A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Musnad, n157, du hadith danas ibn malik quallah lagree. Polygamie et investissement en capital humain ndack kane octobre 2004 dans cette etude, nous cherchons a savoir quel est l. The new religions, islam and christianity, and the migrations of people, among other factors, have acted as destructuring forces on the status of. Le president jacob zuma, sest marie en janvier 2010 avec sa troisieme epouse. Polygamy in islam there are people who know very little about islam. Islamic concept of polygamy, its benefits and impact on society. For example, in iran, changes to womens rights occurred in the wake of the islamic revolution in 1979. Feminisms effect on polygyny in islam is different in every muslim society, depending on the different cultures that are interacting with islam in each location. What islam did was to organize polygamy, and restrict it to four wives under strict rules of justice. For instance, in malaysia in the 1950s and 60s, the famous entertainer p. A case study in malaysia article pdf available in procedia social and behavioral sciences 114. A cet egard quelques remarques meritent detre prises en consideration. Polygamy was the practice of jews, christians, buddhist, and preislamic arabs, perhaps others as well.
Mannen en vrouwen hebben verschillende behoeften als het gaat om seks. And created attraction for men in women and vice versa. They may have as many as four wives at the same time. Whereas the rest of the music industry was under the outside influence of latin america, india, and the united states, ramlees music. Polygamy existed in varying degrees in different parts of the world, in diverse cultures before the spread of islam. But there is one thing many seem to know and that is a muslim man can have four wives. D department of religious studies olabisi onabanjo university, agoiwoye ogun state, nigeria abstract. Polygyny in islam has surfaced in music around the world and across the decades. Whereas it is believed erroneously among many people that polygamy implies the art of a man being married to more than one wife, the true definition of polygamy implies the. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the full. Ramlee dealt with many sociopolitical issues in his art. Polygamy and christianity in africa t a falaye, ph.